Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weigh in..What week is this now??

Skinny Bitch 2:
Tuesday's are they days that I have been dreading for I'd say 3 or 4 weeks now..IF you have been following the blog you will notice, that I Bitch 2(can't even say skinny yet) have been avoiding this blog on our weigh in days..well here I am..back in action..This week was a loss/gain for me..in the past few weeks, my weight was going back and forth (its been a rough month for me)..I think the highest I was..was somewhere around 160.8, and now..i am proud to say that I am back down to 158. So yes, it was a gain from the previous weeks, but it was a loss for this week!!..I'm not too proud of myself yet, I just need to work a little harder..I'm not writing anything down, but because of this new medicine i'm on, i have not had the appetite..I guess thats ok, because when I do eat, it's healthy..so I think of it has portion control..it's perfect because I know longer have the need to eat..Yay! Hope my other skinny bitches have a good week!!

1 comment:

Skinny Bitch said...

Hey SB2 - You are always a Skinny Bitch!! Happy for your loss! Don't avoid the weekly weigh-in, that is the point. If we do gain then EVERYONE knows about it and hopefully we learn from that mistake. Good job for getting the courage to write this week and actually do the weigh-in!