Monday, November 10, 2008

Just throwing it out there

Skinny Bitch 1 - I just want everyone to know that tomorrow is my weigh-in and I am NOT excited about this one at all. Off my target for sure....I can just tell. You know when you just don't feel right - when there is something really off? Yea, well that is how I feel!!! I need some HELP!!! I need some motivation!!! My weekend was COLD and I ate comfort warm yummy goodness food instead of chewing on carrots or other veggies.
I guess there is one thing I am proud of my new owners brought me out for lunch for my first day to a pasta place downtown. So I did 2 good things (in my book anyways) #1 - I didn't eat the bread!!! That damn bread basket is a huge distraction to weight loss, why do we need the bread?? Can't they bring us out some strawberry's to clean our pallet or some other fruit? Why stuff us with the carbs? #2 - I didn't eat the pasta (YAY!) instead I ordered a chicken salad. BORING you say.... nah, it was delish!
Back at ya tomorrow!


Hoopes said...

are you pregnant? Usually when women say something doesn't "feel right" and you work out and you don't lose weight, but gain weight, they're pregnant... Go watch Sex In The City or some gay crap like that and see if they talk about it, I'm sure they do...

Skinny Bitch said...

Skinny Bitch 2: Jesy, I'm proud of your modivation while you were at lunch yesterday..keep that modivation and it will pay off..this is a long journey for us, we both knew going into it, that it wasnt going to be easy! Keep your head up..

Skinny Bitch said...

Hoopes, you are an asshole! And that is all I have to say about that! :-)
SB2 - thanks for the pep talk!!