Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Only 1 day and tons of support, now WORKOUT!!!!

Skinny Bitch 1

I just want to say thank you to all of the supporters who have taken the time to come online and check out our blog. Friends and Family (my hunky husband) have been wonderful! Words of encouragement is what will get us through this journey. So let's get off our fat asses and WORKOUT!!! Pull a friend or husband or boyfriend that has been the #1 fan for the day and ask them to take a walk, go for a run or just goof around at the park, tennis anyone? Let's just get outside and enjoy the rest of the awesome weather before it runs out.

Skinny Bitch 2:

Welcome Skinny Bitch 3..Glad to see the support..It makes me feel great knowing what an amazing group of friends/ family I have now..Yesterday went very well for me..I enjoyed a nice long walk at VOA with Skinny Bitch 1, and my momma. With today being the first day of class, I forgot how much walking was done around campus all day!!

With day one of classes out of the way, and day two on my new journey, I am still feeling strong and motivated..Just thought I'd share a few things that I learned in class today!..
In my Nutrition and Exercise class we discussed a study that was done over a period of 50 years. The study looked at men participates in overall good health from Harvard, then woman of decent health, and then it looked at people living in the inner city's in Baltimore. The researchers came up with 7 ways that promote a longer, healthier life..Here they are..Drum roll please.....
1. SMOKING!!! 2. Ideal Body Weight 3. General Exercise 4. Adaptive coping mechanisms 5. Alcohol abuse 6. Education 7. Marriage/ Relationships.. After learning this..It made me think of our blog, and our support system for each other..First off, it makes me never want to touch a cig again..I never thought that education played such an important role, but I guess the more educated you are, the more likely you are to make better decisions..and Relationships..It's so important..I'm very lucky to have these girls (and our blog followers) supporting me in this huge stepping stone in my life..Just a few other tid-bits of information that I learned today...40% of the US live a sedimentary lifestyle, and only 15 % exercise on a regular basis...these stats made me consider running home from class today..(thank god I came to my senses)..also..did you know that women need to burn MORE THAN 3500 calories to lose 1 lb?? Damnit..and just to add to takes MEN LESS!!...Damn them MEN!!..Hope these facts were interesting..Looking forward to see our results =)


RICK said...

I won't dive into 20 different subjects, but here is some advice that i can hand down that you can look into yourself and draw your own conclusions. I will add, from reading, you all are on the right track. I will start by saying that i am not an expert by any means and what i may say now, you may already know. So here i go...
#1. Skinny bitch 2 makes a great point, most of us despise/hate/loath having to read/track the amout of food we take in and the calories we consume. Short and sweet and simple math, YOU WONT LOSE WEIGHT IF YOU DONT BURN MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN. With that said the battle rages on for women because 8 out of 10 women want to LOOSE weight. So there fore you have to burn what your taking in now and all the excess weight that you have been storing for winter. (I know horrible joke.)
#2. There are no fast fixes!!! You ever want to get me fired up, take dieting pills in front of me. The medical repercusions alone scare me and the blatent misuse is stagerring. If you love your self do NOT use this method, if for some reason you think you need to consult a Doctor. Why you may ask, because these "magic pills" once you stop taking can actually harm you metabolism and set in motion a weight re-gain that you never wanted... My advise eat an apple for a snack and skip grey's anatomy and go for a walk.
#3. Which piggy backs #2, the only way to keep your body burning caloies is to get up off your butt and do something, perferably something that gets your heart rate up! Ps.- Ladies sex burns calories, help your guys out!
I will end my comments like this, i am willing to join your exercises if you want a little motivation or here to talk tuckey(dieting). As i'm sure you already know majority of women have some form of visual dismorphia(most everyone has a form of it, and no your not crazy), which is the same things bolemics/anorexics have, its where what you see in the mirror is not whats really there. YOU ALL BEAUTIFUL in your own way, don't give up, stay motivated, never be affraid to ask for help and remeber that Rome wans't built in a day, it takes time, but the end results will change your life.

Skinny Bitch said...

Number 2 just wanted to thank Rick for the words of encouragement!! =)

(and just for the record...I'm sure that us three girls are more than willing to have sex with our men...)

George Herron said...

You damn well better be.