Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WEEK 7 - I'm not slackin!

Skinny Bitch 1 -
So here we are week 7 and I should have the routine down but this morning I was on a new early wake up call for my new job and didn't weigh-in. So it is 6:45p on Tuesday night and I just weighed myself at 151.2. It is a gain of .2 BUT I don't normally weigh myself at night and instead have been doing it in the morning. I'll still claim the gain but I'm not happy about it! I have been tracking and I'm happy to say that since I'm newly working downtown there are 2 new weight-loss possibilities for me!! 1. My new awesome job offers a free work out facility that I checked out and it is SAweet! 2. I am walking at lunch (depending on weather). I'll keep you posted, hopefully this burst of workout enthusiasm will be just what the Skinny Bitches ordered!

Good Luck through the week - TRACK!!!

Weigh in..What week is this now??

Skinny Bitch 2:
Tuesday's are they days that I have been dreading for I'd say 3 or 4 weeks now..IF you have been following the blog you will notice, that I Bitch 2(can't even say skinny yet) have been avoiding this blog on our weigh in days..well here I am..back in action..This week was a loss/gain for me..in the past few weeks, my weight was going back and forth (its been a rough month for me)..I think the highest I was..was somewhere around 160.8, and now..i am proud to say that I am back down to 158. So yes, it was a gain from the previous weeks, but it was a loss for this week!!..I'm not too proud of myself yet, I just need to work a little harder..I'm not writing anything down, but because of this new medicine i'm on, i have not had the appetite..I guess thats ok, because when I do eat, it's healthy..so I think of it has portion control..it's perfect because I know longer have the need to eat..Yay! Hope my other skinny bitches have a good week!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just throwing it out there

Skinny Bitch 1 - I just want everyone to know that tomorrow is my weigh-in and I am NOT excited about this one at all. Off my target for sure....I can just tell. You know when you just don't feel right - when there is something really off? Yea, well that is how I feel!!! I need some HELP!!! I need some motivation!!! My weekend was COLD and I ate comfort warm yummy goodness food instead of chewing on carrots or other veggies.
I guess there is one thing I am proud of....one of my new owners brought me out for lunch for my first day to a pasta place downtown. So I did 2 good things (in my book anyways) #1 - I didn't eat the bread!!! That damn bread basket is a huge distraction to weight loss, why do we need the bread?? Can't they bring us out some strawberry's to clean our pallet or some other fruit? Why stuff us with the carbs? #2 - I didn't eat the pasta (YAY!) instead I ordered a chicken salad. BORING you say.... nah, it was delish!
Back at ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween got the best of me!

Skinny Bitch 1 -

I let Halloween get the best of me....I drank a little too much and that led to what my friend Rick likes to call "drunk eating" (but I didn't "drunk eat" that much because he STOPPED ME!!!). The damage isn't bad thanks to my running this week but I still gained .2

I'm really sick of the point-whatevers and I'm super motivated this week to get my fat ass in gear to be a skinny bitch! So let's go!

This morning I started off with a protein filling breakfast:

1 - 100 calorie english muffin toasted with, 1/2 cup Egg Whites Egg beater mixed with Mozz. cheese (yum) - over the stove, delicious!

I need to watch my lunch intake because that can be a killer but I am also planning on working out tonight!

This will be a hard week because Thursday is bunko and Friday is my last day at work so we are all going out to the Blue Goose. So my plan is to have small portions of whatever is served at Bunko on Thursday and limit my alcohol to 1 glass of whatever. Then Friday I plan to have LOTS of water and make sure again that I watch my portion control from whatever I eat there. NO appetizers!!!

Good luck to all the skinny bitches out there....make this week, YOUR week. OWN IT, don't let the food, lack of priority, lack of energy, lack of planning and other day to day crap OWN YOU!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Only Hurting Myself

Skinny Bitch 2:

After what...3 weeks I think, I've decided to step up and actually write a little something..I've been avoiding this blog because I was ashamed of a gain..Only 1 pound, but still a gain..But then I got to thinking..I'm only hurting myself..and this blog was designed to help us with our struggles..so after our experiences at the Halloween store, I decided it was officially time to quit giving my fat ass excuses and start trying again..The first week I worked my ass off and lost 5 lbs..thats huge..so I just need to get my motivation back, and try this out again..I still want to be a skinny bitch for my birthday..some encouraging words please??