Skinny Bitch 2:
It's already been one week since this journey has begun. The weekend was the hardest part for me, but I don't think I've ever wanted to lose weight this bad, so I stayed motivated and did my best to stick to the points over the weekend..Also may I add..I gave in to pressure from my boyfriend and had chipotle..I got a bowl, and asked for very light rice, and extra veggies..this was the first time in chipotle exsistance that I did not eat the whole thing, infact, I threw half of the bowl away after picking out the steak and veggies..Yahoo..VERY big step for here we go with the results from week 1..Drum Roll........158...YAhoooo!!...5 Lbs the first week...Can't wait to get out of class, and go on a walk...
Skinny Bitch 1:
Congrats Skinny Bitch 2, you my friend are a flippin ROCK STAR!!! You should seriously reward yourself so that everytime you check out that reward you remember why you are working so hard!! Get yourself a new shirt that is showing off your newly decreasing figure.
I however can't say I have put myself in the rock-star category but instead I am in the "no loss, no gain" bracket. No worries, my journey doesn't end here - I'm actually a bit more motivated now to not give in to the pizza or the "I got home real late from work, so screw it" dinners. Instead I'm going to be the journaling fool - I will be a TRACKER!! My real goal this week is to not let the stress of work put the pounds on me as a person, I know that I am worth more than that and I will learn that I have to put myself FIRST. My weight loss and being healthy is the #1 priority (minus my adorable husband).
Weigh in #1: - 0 lbs.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The color blue
Skinny Bitch 2:
I hope day three is going well for everyone..I've been talking with numerous friends/acquaintances about our blog, and everyone seems to be so impressed with our idea..I just thought I'd share something interesting that I found on the internet today...
The color blue is found to be an appetite suppressor. Many weight loss plans will suggest using a blue plate, some will go as far as putting a blue light in your refrigerator. Blue food is very rare..think about it, no blue leafy vegatables, no blue meats, and aside from blueberries, and a blue-purple potatoe the color blue does not exist significantly as a natural food color. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the color's blue, purple, and black were "color warning signs" of potentialy harmful foods. Hense the color blue for my blog..
I saw on billboard today that Urban active is offering a month free for a guest pass..I am already a member, but if anyone else is thinking about joining let me know..I'd love a work out partner!!
Enjoy this weather..get out and go for a walk!!
I hope day three is going well for everyone..I've been talking with numerous friends/acquaintances about our blog, and everyone seems to be so impressed with our idea..I just thought I'd share something interesting that I found on the internet today...
The color blue is found to be an appetite suppressor. Many weight loss plans will suggest using a blue plate, some will go as far as putting a blue light in your refrigerator. Blue food is very rare..think about it, no blue leafy vegatables, no blue meats, and aside from blueberries, and a blue-purple potatoe the color blue does not exist significantly as a natural food color. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the color's blue, purple, and black were "color warning signs" of potentialy harmful foods. Hense the color blue for my blog..
I saw on billboard today that Urban active is offering a month free for a guest pass..I am already a member, but if anyone else is thinking about joining let me know..I'd love a work out partner!!
Enjoy this weather..get out and go for a walk!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Only 1 day and tons of support, now WORKOUT!!!!
Skinny Bitch 1
I just want to say thank you to all of the supporters who have taken the time to come online and check out our blog. Friends and Family (my hunky husband) have been wonderful! Words of encouragement is what will get us through this journey. So let's get off our fat asses and WORKOUT!!! Pull a friend or husband or boyfriend that has been the #1 fan for the day and ask them to take a walk, go for a run or just goof around at the park, tennis anyone? Let's just get outside and enjoy the rest of the awesome weather before it runs out.
Skinny Bitch 2:
Welcome Skinny Bitch 3..Glad to see the support..It makes me feel great knowing what an amazing group of friends/ family I have now..Yesterday went very well for me..I enjoyed a nice long walk at VOA with Skinny Bitch 1, and my momma. With today being the first day of class, I forgot how much walking was done around campus all day!!
With day one of classes out of the way, and day two on my new journey, I am still feeling strong and motivated..Just thought I'd share a few things that I learned in class today!..
In my Nutrition and Exercise class we discussed a study that was done over a period of 50 years. The study looked at men participates in overall good health from Harvard, then woman of decent health, and then it looked at people living in the inner city's in Baltimore. The researchers came up with 7 ways that promote a longer, healthier life..Here they are..Drum roll please.....
1. SMOKING!!! 2. Ideal Body Weight 3. General Exercise 4. Adaptive coping mechanisms 5. Alcohol abuse 6. Education 7. Marriage/ Relationships.. After learning this..It made me think of our blog, and our support system for each other..First off, it makes me never want to touch a cig again..I never thought that education played such an important role, but I guess the more educated you are, the more likely you are to make better decisions..and Relationships..It's so important..I'm very lucky to have these girls (and our blog followers) supporting me in this huge stepping stone in my life..Just a few other tid-bits of information that I learned today...40% of the US live a sedimentary lifestyle, and only 15 % exercise on a regular basis...these stats made me consider running home from class today..(thank god I came to my senses)..also..did you know that women need to burn MORE THAN 3500 calories to lose 1 lb?? Damnit..and just to add to takes MEN LESS!!...Damn them MEN!!..Hope these facts were interesting..Looking forward to see our results =)
I just want to say thank you to all of the supporters who have taken the time to come online and check out our blog. Friends and Family (my hunky husband) have been wonderful! Words of encouragement is what will get us through this journey. So let's get off our fat asses and WORKOUT!!! Pull a friend or husband or boyfriend that has been the #1 fan for the day and ask them to take a walk, go for a run or just goof around at the park, tennis anyone? Let's just get outside and enjoy the rest of the awesome weather before it runs out.
Skinny Bitch 2:
Welcome Skinny Bitch 3..Glad to see the support..It makes me feel great knowing what an amazing group of friends/ family I have now..Yesterday went very well for me..I enjoyed a nice long walk at VOA with Skinny Bitch 1, and my momma. With today being the first day of class, I forgot how much walking was done around campus all day!!
With day one of classes out of the way, and day two on my new journey, I am still feeling strong and motivated..Just thought I'd share a few things that I learned in class today!..
In my Nutrition and Exercise class we discussed a study that was done over a period of 50 years. The study looked at men participates in overall good health from Harvard, then woman of decent health, and then it looked at people living in the inner city's in Baltimore. The researchers came up with 7 ways that promote a longer, healthier life..Here they are..Drum roll please.....
1. SMOKING!!! 2. Ideal Body Weight 3. General Exercise 4. Adaptive coping mechanisms 5. Alcohol abuse 6. Education 7. Marriage/ Relationships.. After learning this..It made me think of our blog, and our support system for each other..First off, it makes me never want to touch a cig again..I never thought that education played such an important role, but I guess the more educated you are, the more likely you are to make better decisions..and Relationships..It's so important..I'm very lucky to have these girls (and our blog followers) supporting me in this huge stepping stone in my life..Just a few other tid-bits of information that I learned today...40% of the US live a sedimentary lifestyle, and only 15 % exercise on a regular basis...these stats made me consider running home from class today..(thank god I came to my senses)..also..did you know that women need to burn MORE THAN 3500 calories to lose 1 lb?? Damnit..and just to add to takes MEN LESS!!...Damn them MEN!!..Hope these facts were interesting..Looking forward to see our results =)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Beginning Day 1

So this is a story of two friends who are trying to lose some wieght for their own personal reasons. We are relying on each other and whoever else reads this blog to help us with our first 20 pounds. We are Skinny Bitch 1 and Skinny Bitch 2 and we hope that you enjoy our stories, struggles, successes and most of all our support.
Skinny Bitch 1:
Okay, so I weighed in today after my stromboli dinner last night. Drum roll please...................starting weight was 154.1!!! HOLY CRAP, I'm a fat ass! But that is okay because I'm motivated. I've had a Luna bar this morning (around 8:30) and just had a banana. Basically I'm doing portion control and working out on a mostly daily basis to lose my first 20 pounds. So, breakfast and lunch not so bad but dinner is the worst. Does anyone have any good recipes for a picky husband and a horrible cook of a wife? Pass it on if you do! Wish me luck on lunch, I'm going to Panera a.k.a. CARB HEAVEN
Skinny Bitch 2:
First off, I would just like to say what a fantastic idea this is. I don't think I've ever been this motivated to do anything in my life. Well I must admit I am almost ashamed to type in that large number I saw on that damn scale this morning, but being this determined..I guess I have to. Weighing in at 163.1..(I feel like we are being auctioned off as a big prize)..I felt pretty disgusted with myself, but I have to think that a few of those pounds resulted from the swelling on my face that will not go down!! UGh..Stupid surgery!..
Anyways, back to the topic..I did some researching and found a few quotes..I think my favorite one is "Strengthen your desire. Weak Desire brings weak results, just as a small fire brings a small amount of heat"..Credit needs to be given to someone, just not exactly sure who.. I hope day one goes as good for you as it is for me.
Tonight's my first night back to work since the surgery, hopefully I can resist temptation and disregard that loaf of bread calling my name..I just need to keep in mind the end result, and how badly I want to wear a prom dress to the local bars =)...
On that note, skinny bitch 2 is out---like a fat kid in dodge ball
Skinny Bitch 3
Well, I hate to say it but I was an accomplice to skinny bitch 1's CARB HEAVEN lunch today at Panera. That's where I learned about this blog and thought it was great and had to join. There's nothing better than having a support system of others who want to be (and will be) skinny bitches!!!!
After reading what skinny bitch 1 and 2 had to say, I realize that not only am I the fattest one (weighing in at 176 lbs) but I'm also the oldest. Aaaahhhh! I've always been the type of person that gained weight and would take it off easily by taking diet pills are just cutting back on food. And then I hit 30!!! It's like being in somebody else's body and I want a new one. I've been working out regularly and eating healthy and it's taken me about 2 months to drop 10 lbs. Lord, in my 20's I could do that in 2-3 weeks by cutting out a meal. Not anymore!!!
So this time my plan is to continue to work out on a daily basis, eat healthy and live a more active lifestyle. My goal is to lose weight, but most importantly it's to drop a few sizes. I'm currently in a 10 or 12 (depending on the maker and style of clothes) and my goal is a size 4 or 6.
To start this journey, I bought a book this evening. It's called "Winning By Losing" by Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser. From what I glanced at in the bookstore she goes over how there are three different types of metabolisms. Here I thought there was only one, SLOW!!!! It's off to start reading about my ridiculously slow metabolism and how I can give it a jump start. Does anybody have jumper cables????
After reading what skinny bitch 1 and 2 had to say, I realize that not only am I the fattest one (weighing in at 176 lbs) but I'm also the oldest. Aaaahhhh! I've always been the type of person that gained weight and would take it off easily by taking diet pills are just cutting back on food. And then I hit 30!!! It's like being in somebody else's body and I want a new one. I've been working out regularly and eating healthy and it's taken me about 2 months to drop 10 lbs. Lord, in my 20's I could do that in 2-3 weeks by cutting out a meal. Not anymore!!!
So this time my plan is to continue to work out on a daily basis, eat healthy and live a more active lifestyle. My goal is to lose weight, but most importantly it's to drop a few sizes. I'm currently in a 10 or 12 (depending on the maker and style of clothes) and my goal is a size 4 or 6.
To start this journey, I bought a book this evening. It's called "Winning By Losing" by Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser. From what I glanced at in the bookstore she goes over how there are three different types of metabolisms. Here I thought there was only one, SLOW!!!! It's off to start reading about my ridiculously slow metabolism and how I can give it a jump start. Does anybody have jumper cables????
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